February 19th, 2016
The ECDA is pleased to announce the 2016 Spring Conference! The provincial annual PD day will take place Friday, May 6th at the Rodd Charlottetown Hotel in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Early Bird registration runs March 11th until April 4th. All registrations are due by April 18th. You may submit your registration form and payment online or deliver it to the ECDA office (full registration details available here).
8:00-8:45 Check in
9:00-10:00 Workshop part 1
10:00-10:30 Nutrition break (provided)
10:30-12:00 Workshop part 2
12:00-1:00 Lunch break (not provided)
1:00-3:30 Workshop part 3
3:30-4:00 Feedback and certificates
Rodd Charlottetown Hotel (75 Kent Street, Charlottetown) Click here for a map of the Rodd Charlottetown Hotel
Nutrition break will be provided
Lunch hour is to be taken on your own with you colleagues. Reservations at a local restaurant, or a packed lunch are recommended
Limited parking available close to the Rodd Charlottetown Hotel. Nearby parkades:
The Origins and Development of Early Mental Health: Recognizing and Responding to Early Mental Health Vulnerability
Facilitator: Chaya Kulkarni
The quality of mental health experienced by a baby or toddler can have lifelong consequences, yet few understand how to recognize when infant mental health may be at risk and if so, how to intervene. Experiences in the early years of a child's life have a direct relation to mental health and development in a child's later life. Many adverse outcomes can be prevented when caregivers are provided with the support and information that enables them to be optimally responsive to their infants and young children. Well planned early intervention can promote positive outcomes, even in the face of diverse cumulative risk factors. We will address how early detection and rapid response can influence a child's trajectory throughout life. We will identify and review the knowledge that practitioners need to have when working with this vulnerable population focusing on the impact of trauma. Furthermore, we will explore how the stress that accompanies trauma is associated with a very critical time in early brain development.
The Social and Emotional Benefits of Art Education in Early Childhood
Facilitator: Vicki Allen-Cook
Every child is born with creative potential. It is important during the early years to nurture creativity and support resourceful problem-solving, imaginative thinking, and transference of skills and knowledge to new experiences. This workshop looks at how arts participation helps young children develop strong social and emotional skills. This hands-on workshop delves deeper into how and why the various art forms impact children's learning and have personal benefit to our own wellness and development as educators.
Spirituality and Young Children: Knowing Your Place in the World
Facilitator: Liz Hicks
The quality of mental health experienced by a baby or toddler can have lifelong consequences, yet few understand how to recognize when infant mental health may be at risk and if so, how to intervene. Experiences in the early years of a child’s life have a direct relation to mental health and development in a child’s later life. Many adverse outcomes can be prevented when caregivers are provided with the support and information that enables them to be optimally responsive to their infants and young children. Well planned early intervention can promote positive outcomes, even in the face of diverse cumulative risk factors. We will address how early detection and rapid response can influence a child’s trajectory throughout life. We will identify and review the knowledge that practitioners need to have when working with this vulnerable population focusing on the impact of trauma. Furthermore, we will explore how the stress that accompanies trauma is associated with a very critical time in early brain development..
Deux outils puissants pour développer le langage des jeunes enfants dans un centre préscholaire situé en milieu francophone anglo-dominant
Facilitatrice: Diane Bernier-Ouellette
Cet atelier révisera les nombreuses raisons pour lesquelles la lecture à voix haute est un élément essentiel de la journée au préscolaire, y compris au niveau du bien-être de l'enfant, ce qu'il faut faire et " ne pas faire " en lisant aux jeunes enfants ainsi que les caractéristiques des livres qui sont appropriés pour les enfants du préscolaire. La discussion comprendra l'importance de la lecture à haute voix dans la transmission de langue française et ce qu'il faut faire avant, pendant et après la lecture à voix haute pour maximiser le développement langagier des jeunes enfants dans un milieu francophone minoritaire. Nous prendrons un peu de temps pour apprendre des comptines et des chansons françaises. Les comptines et les chansons font partie de la culture française et constituent un autre moyen amusant pour développer le langage, la conscience phonologique et l'expression des émotions.
STREAM 5 (part 1)
Health for Mind and Body: Vegetable Gardening 101
Facilitator: PEI Farm Centre Staff: Phil Ferraro, Tracey Allen and Sandy MacDonald
Have you ever wanted to grow a vegetable garden at your centre but just don't know where to start? This interactive workshop will help you get started this spring by providing you with tips and tricks to successfully plant and maintain a vegetable garden right at your centre! You’ll learn how to grow commonly used vegetables that can be easily incorporated into your centre’s meal plans, as well as the economical, physical and mental health benefits to gardening. In addition, you will learn how to maintain a safe environment for children as well as creative ways to involve them. Be prepared to get your hands dirty as you participate in hands-on planting activities!
STREAM 5 (part 2)
Fitness, Nutrition & Mental Health
Facilitator: Bethany Vessey, RD
*Please note: this is the afternoon portion of Stream 5. It is a half day workshop and must be taken with the morning workshop, listed above* In this workshop, Registered Dietitian and co-founder of Synergy Fitness & Nutrition Bethany Vessey will share with you her knowledge on how incorporating different components of fitness and nutrition in your life and the life of the children you care for can have a positive impact on mental health.